Polish National Lodge



On behalf of the Master, Wardens and Brethren of the Polish National Lodge No. 534 we welcome you to our website.  You may have arrived here for many reasons, but whatever they maybe we do hope you enjoy your virtual visit. 

We trust you find our pages both interesting and helpful but of course we cannot hope to condense 175 years of history into a few lines.  If you need any further information or have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch and we will endeavour to help.

A more detailed description of our Lodge will be found in the Lodge History section.  For now, it is sufficient to say we are an English Lodge with Polish origins; it is a heritage we cherish and are fiercely proud of. 

The lodge works in English and Emulation is our chosen masonic ritual. We have members of all ages, who hail from many professions. Indeed, the lodge membership is truly international; all are welcome.

Why join

Freemasonry is an organisation with charitable support and self-improvement at its core. It requires that you hold yourself to a high moral standard and that you look to improve yourself where you can.

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How to join

If you are already a mason and would like to join a thriving happy lodge then we would be delighted to talk to you.  Please contact our membership secretary through the link and we will get in touch with you.

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Lodge Meeting Dates

Polish National Lodge meet 5 times a year at Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, London, WC2B 5AZ. Our meeting dates are 2nd Thursday in May (Installation), September, November, January and March.

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Read about the latest updates and changes, related to our brotherhood

Recovery for stroke patients in Ealing

Recovery for stroke patients in Ealing supported by grant from London Freemasons

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Young people at risk of exclusion offered helping hand by SkyWay

Young people at risk of exclusion in Hackney offered a helping hand by SkyWay, supported by London Freemasons

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St John Ambulance train 12000 young responders with help from London Freemasons

St John Ambulance train 12,000 more young London Responders with help from London Freemasons

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Recovery for stroke patients in Ealing

Young people at risk of exclusion offered helping hand by SkyWay

St John Ambulance train 12000 young responders with help from London Freemasons


Below you can find information, related to our latest events and activities

Lord Mayor’s Show, Parade and Luncheon

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Belmont Ensemble Concert

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Organ Concert

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