Polish National Lodge



Polish National Lodge is an English Lodge with Polish origins and heritage.  We are a friendly group drawn from various walks of life.  You do not have to be Polish to join, indeed we have members from many different countries. We are though rightly proud of our Polish Heritage and history.

From a masonic perspective we are constituted under the United Grand Lodge of England and for our ceremonies use the Emulation Ritual workings. We meet regularly five times a year at Freemasons Hall in Great Queen Street; on the second Thursday in May (Installation), September, November, January and March.

The Lodge is a vibrant and growing unit. We enjoy company and always look forward to meeting our visitors and guests.  We enjoy our masonry and are very proud of our lodge.

Polish National is a Hall Stone Lodge (see History page for a picture of  the jewel); this distinction marks our contribution to the building of the current Freemasons Hall. The Lodges in the English Constitution were asked to donate to a new building and a fund was started in 1920 called the Masonic Million Memorial Fund. The building was to be a memorial to all those who made the supreme sacrifice during the First World War. To be a Hall Stone Lodge, members needed to have contributed an average of 10 Guineas each. This is marked in the lodge by the Master wearing a “jewel” appended to a blue collar.  The name of the lodge is also engraved on the wall of the building.

Members of Polish National Lodge are entitled to wear a special members jewel at all masonic assemblies “(see History page for a picture of the jewel).  The jewel is a Polish Eagle appended to a cross, it is attached to a ribbon of the colours of the Polish Military honour; the Virtuti Militari.  This special privilege was granted to members of the lodge by the Grand Master at our consecration and is recorded on the Lodge’s warrant (see below):

On the 8th September 2022 Polish National Lodge 534 formally recognised the twinning of our Lodge with Enigma 15 of the National Grand Lodge of Poland.  At this historic occasion the twinning was marked by the completion of a Twinning Agreement signed by the Master of each lodge.

This is a key moment in the lives of our lodges where Polish National has established a link to its roots and Enigma a bridge to a historic lodge formed of Polish exiles.

Enigma Lodge 15 – National Grand Lodge of Poland

Polish National is a founder lodge of the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London (“MetGL”) which was founded on 1st October 2003.  MetGL oversees 1400 London Lodges comprising some 40,000 masons.  


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